Rothschild’s Giraffe

Ruko Community Conservancy, Kenya


Have you ever seen a floating giraffe? Few people had … but that didn’t stop us when the need arose.

In 2020, we launched an ambitious (and amphibious) plan with our partners to return Rothschild’s giraffe to the iconic Eastern Rift Valley, their ancestral home where they were wiped out 70 years ago.

On a brilliant sunlit day in December 2020, we successfully began the rescue of trapped giraffe from an island in Lake Baringo that is being flooded by rising water levels. We are sailing them to a special sanctuary on the mainland on a barge made by local community members.

First, we rescued the two most imperiled giraffe from the island, Asiwa and Pasaka, gently floating them than a mile to safety in their new home at the Ruko Community Wildlife Conservancy. Then in January 2021, we moved the lone bull, Lbarnoti. The big male walked calmly onto the barge, and never stopped eating acacia seed pods on the whole trip!

Our plan was to try to train the remaining six island giraffe – including new calf Noelle, born in December – to also enter the barge voluntarily, so we could move them in early 2021. SGN and partners were able to successfully move 3 of the 9 giraffe using food to lure them onto the barge.

Rothschild’s (Nubian) giraffe numbers have plummeted by 80%, leaving only 3,000 in the wild today. But there is hope, sparked by innovative conservation teamwork such as this.


“We feel a great sense of urgency to complete this rescue,” said our president, David O’Connor. “With giraffe undergoing a silent extinction, every one we can protect matters.”

We also will reintroduce a further 12-15 Rothschild’s giraffe from Soysambu Reserve and Ruma National Park in Kenya.

Working with the communities in the area over the next several years, we will keep this combined group of giraffe safe, and as they breed and their numbers grow, they will repopulate the Eastern Rift over time, eventually rejoining their cousins in Uganda!


We need your help to complete this incredible and hopeful project, that not only rescues stranded giraffe, but is part of a long-term plan to reintroduce these giraffe to their ancestral lands. Local communities and the Kenyan government have come together around this incredible effort, a positive conservation story and impressive effort for Africa’s last giants. 


Giraffe Rescue

Asiwa, a Rothschild’s (Nubian) giraffe who has become stranded on Longicharo Island, a rocky lava pinnacle, inside Lake Baringo in western Kenya, is moved off the flooded island by a barge December 2, 2020. Rising lake levels have cut the peninsula into an island, trapping 8 giraffes. The local community is working with conservation organizations to keep them alive. She was moved on the barge for 1.1. miles to the 4,400-acre fences sanctuary within the 44,000 acre Ruko Conservancy. Asiwa was isolated on a far part of the island. Today, fewer than 3,000 Rothschild’s giraffes are left in Africa, with about 800 in Kenya. (Photo by Ami Vitale)

Rothschild’s giraffe rescue
Credit: Ami Vitale
Rothschild’s giraffe rescue
Credit: Ami Vitale
Ruko Giraffe eating
Ruko Giraffe eating
Rothschild’s giraffe rescue
Credit: Ami Vitale
Rothschild’s giraffe rescue
Credit: Ami Vitale
Rothschild’s giraffe rescue
Credit: Ami Vitale