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Join us in our mission to protect giraffes and their habitats by donating today. Your support enables us to implement crucial conservation projects, conduct research, and advocate for preserving these iconic animals.

Every contribution, regardless of size, plays a vital role in ensuring the future of giraffes. With your help, we can address threats like habitat loss, poaching, working towards a world where giraffes thrive in the wild.

Together, we can make a difference. Join us in safeguarding the giraffes for generations to come.
Please support our projects on the ground in Africa to save giraffes from extinction.

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In Loving Memory of Mickey Ollson

It is with a heavy heart that we write on the passing of Mickey Ollson, Founder, Owner and Director of Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Park in early 2022.

Mickey was an incredible friend and mentor to the Save Giraffes Now team and offered his insight and wisdom to us throughout the time we knew him.

Our hearts continue to be with Mickey’s wife, Connie, his family, and all the wonderful animals he loved at his beautiful zoo.

Mickey Ollson
Mickey Ollson

In Loving Memory of Steve Tankard

Save Giraffes Now is deeply saddened by the passing of Steve Tankard who we worked very closely with in the Athi Kapiti Plains in Kenya.

Steve was not just a friend but an invaluable ally whose dedication to wildlife, especially giraffes, has profoundly influenced our organization and the ecosystems we work tirelessly to protect. His compassion and unwavering commitment to nature have touched everyone fortunate enough to have crossed paths with him.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to Steve’s family and loved ones. His legacy as a conservationist and advocate for wildlife will continue to be a beacon of inspiration for us all. Rest in peace, Steve. Your tireless efforts have made an unforgettable mark on our collective mission to protect giraffes and the precious natural world they inhabit.

Steve Tankard
Steve Tankard

Helpful Information

If you are having difficulty completing your donation, please email or call 214-760-6000.

To mail your donation please send a check to:
Save Giraffes Now – 8333 Douglas Avenue, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75225

SAVE GIRAFFES NOW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, IRS Charitable Organization Number 83-4423842.